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Replace the Door Hinge of a Bosch Dishwasher

Replace the Door Hinge of a Bosch Dishwasher

It could be a problem with the hinge. As hinges are used so frequently, they can develop problems over time. You can damage a hinge by extending your dishwasher’s door too far.

Safety Advice

Safety First! Safety First! We recommend wearing Safety Gloves when performing this type of repair due to the sharp edges.

Remove the top & side panels

You will need to remove both the side and top panels to unhook the hinges. To remove the screws holding them in, you will require a torx-head screwdriver.

Unhook the Hinges

The spring and pulleys in the video hold the hinge under tension. Close the door, and remove the plastic covering that covers the pulley. The tension cable on the pulley is then unhooked using pliers. After completing one side, repeat the process on the opposite side.

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Replace the Door Hinge of a Bosch Dishwasher
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